***The Karito Kids contest will be extended two extra days, until Sunday, December 2nd***Here is the day seven question for our Karito Kids "Pita" Doll giveaway:
The day seven question is now closed
Remember: Your answer to the Day seven question must be emailed to mumsthewurd[at]gmail[dot]com with "Karito Kids" in the Subject line and the answer in the body of the message.The Day seven question email submission MUST be dated 11/27/07. After midnight, the Day seven question will not count for an entry.
If you are joining in late, you can still answer the Day One question. Day One's answer will count as an entry throughout the duration of this contest for any newcomers. For more info, see the original post HERE.
Good luck!
Well, not really but close enough!
As if being featured on the Today Show for a split second wasn't enough, today, MumsTheWurd makes its debut in the Chicago suburban newspaper, The Daily Herald.
Featured in the Life & Entertainment section of the print version, you will see a full color picture of yours truly (Amy), co-author of MumsTheWurd and one of the two little models for our site, Hailey.
The article revolves around mommy bloggers and the fact that there is more up there in our pretty heads than poopy diapers and what snack to bring to soccer practice. If you give us a listen, you may just learn a thing or two. Click HERE to read the article online. I am happy to have been featured along with my sistahs from our collective mom's blog, the Chicago Moms Blog. We are a powerful group of women!
If you have clicked your way over here from reading the article, welcome! MumsTheWurd dot com is a product review site geared toward parents and kids. We pride ourselves in promoting unique boutiques from around the web, giving them the exposure they so deserve. Many of the boutiques/products we promote are parent-owned/created. We love supporting these mom and pop shops! You are sure to find some pretty great products if you scroll through our list of Reviews A-Z. Thanks for stopping by. We hope you bookmark us and visit on a daily basis.
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