Ok, ladies, it's time shut off the football (or baseball) game and pass the laptop (or move the desktop screen) over to your hubbies. This book is for them. Although, I've paged through it and it is a pretty hilarious read for us women, too.
Dudes, do you hear your pregnant lady while she's talking on the phone to her girlfriends and words come up like, episiotomy, hormones and mucous plug? Now you don't have to live in the dark.
ABCs for Expectant DADS is a no-nonsense resource guide for guys who are about to become a baby daddy in the near future, as well as newbie baby daddies who are sleep deprived and there is nowhere else to turn. Show your woman that you "care" about what she's going through.
Believe me, you are going to WANT to have this guide near you at all times. She will be so impressed with you when you can use words like "registry" and "epidural" and it actually seems like you know what you're talking about.
This guide is not frighteningly long like the very detailed pregnancy resource books that are geared toward women. Come on, we know that you guys don't want all that information. Todd Lieman does a fantastic job of narrowing down the information overload of said resources. He tells it like it is, just the way you want to hear it. He points out the obvious and garsh dernit, we like that about him. Todd writes about "stuff" at Life & Times of a New Dad. He is the dad blogger over at Family Education. He has one or two other blogs, as well as contributing to Daddy Daze. Todd may get around on the internet but let us assure you, he is very committed to his family.You can also hear Todd on the DADSonFIRE podcast. Yep, the one that my husband and I participated in last week. You can listen/download the recorded episode by clicking HERE. Our suggestion is to bookmark Todd and Wank at DADSonFIRE.com because, well, they're just pretty swell guys.
Well, gentlemen, we didn't keep you around for THIS long for nothing...
WIN IT!The Mums have TWO copies of Todd's new book, "Go-to Guides for GUYS - ABCs for Expectant DADS" to give away!
To enter: EMAIL us (or have your lady do it) and let us know what the scariest thing is (or was) for you becoming a parent. Because, awww, we know that you have feelings too! It's ok if you're a "seasoned" parent, maybe you know someone who is becoming a father that could use this priceless book.
Giveaway ends on Sunday, October 14th at 10 PM CST.
Good luck!
*ABCs for Expectant DADS can be purchased online from Amazon.com, Target, and Powells.
*Own it? Write a review!
***Keep checking back to DapperDads.com (parenting site for guys), as D2 will soon host a giveaway for a few more of Todd's book!
Labels: books
I'm so proud of the direction that Kids Music has taken lately. I'm a "kindie rock" convert. I come from the school of "music snobbery". I was once told by someone that "a lot of people" listened to some specific popular band, to which I replied, "Not people with taste" (one of my prouder moments).
Children's music must be great for me to even consider it. I have found two so far that our whole family will listen to-our first foray into the kid music world was Dan, who Hailey now CHEERS for(!) and then The Trachtenberg Family Slideshow Players! Now, we proudly welcome Ellen and Matt into the "Awesome Kids Music" category!Aren't they just adorable??? They got their inspiration for their album "Best Friends" from their son & to-be sons and some great musical influences. Some have likened their sound to "the Carpenters meets the Pixies". I, on the other hand, hear a mix of some of my very favorites-The Beach Boys, Sloan, Matthew Sweet, and The Ramones.
As soon as I put this CD on for Noel, I was immediately bopping my head along to the music. I thought, "Wow, this is really good!" I was honestly a little surprised, as their look reminded me a bit of The Elephant Show, which I spent hours being tortured with as a babysitter. I was wrong...I'll admit it! Ellen and Matt's songs are kid friendly and parent friendly alike. The CD includes songs about eating your dinner, being an imaginary airplane, and hanging out with your best friend, all set to extremely palatable music that you'll find yourself, as the adult, wanting more of. The song "Best Friend" is so pretty, I actually got choked up listening to it (it's possibly due to being pregnant and full of crazed pregnant hormones). Our whole family loves this entire CD.
"Best Friends" is available from CD Baby and several download sites. Ellen and Matt have joined The Trifecta of awesome Kindie Rock! Go buy their CD and start groovin!!
Labels: music