Rock on, babe.

Hailey was by far the most rockin' kid at the zoo and playground this morning in her XY Factory guitar tank. And check out Noel in his. Can you say "rock star in the making"?

XY Factory offers some pretty sweet, "alternative to pinks and blues" clothing and accessories for mama's in waiting and kiddos alike. If you're pregnant with your second, third, fourth or so on and are into matching outfits for you and your toddler, go with the Star Burst Maternity Set for you and your future celebrity.

Feed your baby in style with their Splash Nursing Cover pictured below. I'm definitely going to get me one of these next time around. The nursing cover is offered in three other patterns as well.

Moving right along to accessories for the glamorous is Hails in her Bling Green Military Hat with Pink Skulls? Do you think any of those zoo animals wanted to mess with her?

I can't even tell you how stoked I was to see XY Factory's brand new line of Ramones gear. Hey! Ho! Let's Go! I am a die-hard Ramones fan, so of course, this stuff just melted my heart. They have all sorts of Ramones items right now, so check them all out.

Why subject yourself to pastels if you're more of a rough-around-the-edges, alternative-type-of-gal? We think you owe it to yourself to head over to XY Factory and browse their rad selection of clothing and accessories. Here's an incentive for you...a $25 eCertificate to their boutique! All ya gotta do is jot your name and URL down in Mr. Linky below...leave us a quick comment letting us know you stopped by and why you think you're a rockin' mama (i.e. music you listen to, alternative lifestyle, etc.).
*** have to leave us some sort of way to get a hold of you in case you win. So, if you don't have a blog or website, make sure you email us HERE or leave your info in the comments section. This contest will end on Thursday, July 12th at 10 pm. GOOD LUCK!


Anonymous said...

i'm excited! this looks like an awesome site!!! worthy of being saved into my "favorites" for sure! so now it's time to see what i'll spend my $25 certificate on! :)

you two ROCK with all your contests!!!

Superdumb Supervillain said...

Well, I used to rock but at 36+ weeks, I am way too tired right now. I love the old school tattoo stuff.

Anonymous said...

I have a rockin lil girl who will soon be getting a tutu set!! This store ROCKS!!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I am glad I came to this site. XY Factory has some rad items too! I have always known I was a rockin mama because having kids was not a death sentence...I did not cut my hair short or get "mom pants". I still go to shows and like to have a fun time...I just bring my kiddies with me now!

Andrea said...

Yep, it's a rockin' site, that's for sure! :) And why I'm a rockin' mamma??? Well, I agree with Paulita...I still like to go places, have fun, and partake in things like side splitting laughter, towering high ice cream cones, etc.!!! And now my little boy gets to come along and enjoy it all too! :)

Stephanie Wilson she/her @babysteph said...

I LOVE the shirt Hailey has on! Awesome!!!

Well, you know I think I am a rockin' mama for many reasons! But musically speaking, when Noah was a baby, only Pink Floyd's Comfortably Numb would soothe him in the car. With Carter, he's more of an Elvis guy. And Gray, well, he's into pretty much anything I'm into now- I catch him dancing along to Regina Spektor lately!


Anonymous said...

This site is really cool! Cant wait to start shopping. we need more places like this for the young hip moms of today. Keep rockin!!!

Stacey said...

Hmmm... why I'm a rockin mama... Well, I have a rockin son! He's not even two, yet he can almost keep a beat on the drums, and spends most of his time making everything he finds into drumsticks. He also loves guitar, and prefers some good rock music over kids stuff anyday! He must have gotten that from somewhere... I just have a rockin family!

Anonymous said...

These are adorable. I am so tired of the usual boy/girl baby colors, I could scream! I love items like these.
Why am I a rockin' mom? I love to turn up the radio with my kiddos and dance like a bunch of crazy nuts. My 2 year old will dance and sing to ANYTHING. I'd like to think it's due to my own musical talent (hardly!).

Anonymous said...


I'm a rocking mama because I'm young and hip! No mom clothes for me either! I love to listen to the ramones with my son in the car and we always sing and dance at home!

Rashmi said...

Oh, these are just too beautiful for words! Count me in. I've posted about it on my blog as well!

Maude Lynn said...

Ramones! Ramones! I MUST have the Ramones tee!

And why am I a rockin' Mama? Cause I wanna be sedated!

Linsey Knerl said...

I'm a rockstar mama at heart! Please enter me in the giveaway! Thanks so much!

Kell Rees said...

My little Hailey would look also look rockin' in this! I love it!
Count me in, i'll head ove and get this posted on my blog!

Unknown said...

So cool!! I must have the tattoo print diaper bag & the camo sling, and the skull & cycle blanket!

Katie said...

Love this stuff!

lace said...

What rockin' clothes they have. I love the Ramones and would love to have my babies show off their musical style

Qtpies7 said...

I can't say that *I* am a rockin' momma, but my whole family is and they would love to see Sam join their crew!
I have an electric guitar playing dd and ds, a ds who is a videographer for a Christian rock band, and my dh is totally into rock music and takes the kids to all their concerts with van loads of teens, enjoys every moment of it! I get to stay home!

Mimi said...

Well, I LOVE the t-shirts... and my son thinks he's in the Red Hot Chili Peppers already and in desperate need of a t-shirt (as evidenced by the picture of him here: My son is on the drums

jenna said...

Let's see... I'm a rockin' Mama because my hubby's a drummer and my little boy is following in his footsteps.. The other day I caught my son playing his Leapfrog drum with hub's real drumsticks. And, yes, I took pictures.

Christine said...

Why am I a rockin' Mama??? I have 6 kiddos and ALL of them are rockin'... What more can I say?

Kathleen said...

I would LOVE to get some cool clothes for my kids. All their clothes now are hand me downs :(
We're a rockin family, we love listening to rock music, it's my daughter's favourite kind!

*Tanyetta* said...

what a great site! great contest too! i'm a rockin mama because i threw all my mom jeans in the trash! :)

Anonymous said...

Does it make me rockin' that my hubby plays guitar? How 'bout my rockin' spiky hair? That's all I got!

grubmama said...

What a rockin' site! I totally want that nursing cover! I hope I win! I want also want to get that blue guitar t-shirt.

grubmama said...

oh...i'm a rockin' mama b/c my son and i jam to music all the time! he has the cutest little dance.

Anonymous said...

These might be the cutest clothes and accessories you have ever featured.

I love you, Noel.

Your Neena

Anonymous said...

I'm a rockin mama because even though I'm in the 40s with a baby, I can still keep up with the rest of them! LOL!

I've also posted this contest here:

Anonymous said...

These shirts are too sweet!

here's my email

Anonymous said...

Cool stuff, and the kids in the pics are too cute!

Not So Anonymous Michelle said...

SUCH ADORABLE COOL STUFF!!! I love the clothes and my 2 year old would too!! She loves to rock as much as I DO!

Some kind of Mom said...

Love those shirts! Does it count if my 8 month old son is the one who's rockin'? ;)

Anonymous said...

In my own mind, I'm a rockin' mama. Does that count? At least I know this for sure: My kid will grow up knowing the words to "Sexy Back." Sigh...that's what cranking it up one or forty times in the car will get you with a toddler...

bethany said...

I'm a rockin' momma cause I dance with my son to music :)

Lindsay said...

Not only am I rockin', I'm definitely getting good at rollin' with my round 29-week old belly ;)

Anonymous said...


grams-kelley [at] sbcglobal [dot]net

Drea said...

oops i entered twice, take me off on number 43... sorry! lol

Veronica said...

I'm rockin' because my daughter loves the Dixie Chicks and Depeche Mode!

Silicon Valley Moms Group said...

I am a rocking mom because I dance with my daughter all day to popular rap music (clean version). She loves it. This house rocks music all day long!

I am from SV Mom's Blog. Hi!

Candace April said...

These are AWESOME!

I love the pink guitar (but I couldn't find it on the site?) and my husband is a big RAMONES fan.

Thanks for sharing these. I would love to win! Good luck everyone!!!

Anonymous said...

Very Cool! I would love to win!

Cheri Martino

Anonymous said...

How do I rock? well, my 13 month old son and I rock out to the Beatles all the time! We also rocks out to Hi-5 sometimes too! ;0)

Elizabeth F. said...

So adorable! My 22 mo. old loves to play his guitar. He'd be so cute wearing one of those T's too!

The Holdaway's said...

My 2 yo son loves to make music and hopefully my little girl that's coming in 9 weeks! I love keeping ym kids "hip"!

Anonymous said...

awesome! i'm a rockin mama because my favorite sling is bright fuscia. :)

Jo said...

I figure as long as I'm not letting the cancer get me I'm a rockin mama and will continue to be one so there you have it! lol. Besides, that Ramones shirt would look kickin' on my little guy! ;)

Unknown said...

Im so excuted to get something from you